"Peace is always an option, but only if enough people have the courage to stand up and demand it."

We need to all stand up then and demand peace. It truly is the ONLY option. The powers-that-be don't care and don't want it since they make their money from selling arms and field testing them on innocents' bodies, but We the People must demand peace and keep demanding peace until we achieve it. Excellent post and great photos, Robert!

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Thank you! While it seems to me that there is little appetite for actual, direct war on both sides, which is what makes today distinctly different from a century ago, the power dynamics and actions taken in pursuit of political aims are taking us to the same final result, whether they intend to or not.

Former Soviet leader Krushchev once said "if indeed war should break out, then it would not be in our power to stop it, for such is the logic of war. I have participated in two wars and know that war ends when it has rolled through cities and villages, everywhere sowing death and destruction. [...] If people do not show wisdom, then in the final analysis they will come to a clash, like blind moles, and then reciprocal extermination will begin."

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What aspects specifically?You mean how more and more countries are joining the discussions, including NATO country Turkey? While I cannot judge how close (months, years?) they are to making it a viable alternative it does seem to suggest a growing unwillingness of the rest of the world to keep taking the orders of the West.

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Thanks for posting, Robert.

Have you been following what's going on with BRICS?

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