Jan 6Liked by Robert Urbaschek

I found those three blue boxes very informative.

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A great post! One thing to bear in mind is that just as Meta has a financial interest in inflating their ability to influence, Signal (as well as other privacy-selling companies like most VPN companies) has a financial interest in convincing us of the danger of data harvesting. Now, from what we can tell there *is* a lot of data harvesting, so they're not lying, or even misleading to any substantial extent (probably).

You see this in VPN advertising - so, so many are hyping up their privacy-protection as a primary selling point to 'defeat tracking' (when the actual facts are, so far as I can understand, a bit more mixed). So I wonder how much this is happening in other areas. Apple *definitely* rides this train, and while they are (probably) better than Samsung, they're not as good as they claim. What about Brave? They have a vested interest in me viewing things a certain way. And so on, and so forth.

Again, I'm not saying these companies are necessarily lying, and often we can test their claims empirically. But it's a lot easier to make a claim and perpetuate it than to debunk it, especially if it's not *false* as such, just a matter of emphasis and shading, or hard to empirically detect (like browser fingerprinting).

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Interesting... I think I'm throwing the folks off at Meta sometimes with my mix of activism and cat lovers postings. LOL!!

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Interestingly, the recent ousting of the Harvard University president, Claudine Gay, was openly discussed by the people pushing for it - with a description of how to "squeeze" sentiment to get a desired outcome.

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